ESG/SRI, Smart Beta & Tax-Managed Investment Strategies
Sustainable investing seeks to drive positive social or environmental impact alongside financial results, allowing investors to accomplish more with their money. Investors need not adjust their financial goals to invest with purpose. Our foundational portfolios are constructed with ETFs, to offer exposure to companies that exhibit environmental, social and governance (ESG) characteristics.
Smart Beta & Factor Portfolios
Factor investing can help investors pursue specific outcomes, such as reducing risk or outperforming the market. There are two main types of factors that have driven returns: macroeconomic factors, which capture broad risks across asset classes; and style factors, which help to explain returns and risk within asset classes. Factors have generally had low correlations with each other and therefore tended to perform well at different parts of the economic cycle.
Customized Tax-Managed Portfolios
Our Tax-Managed Portfolios are customized for each client based on any number of factors and criteria, including religious, social, environmental, tax, etc. We implement a value-based approach to selecting securities that we believe are selling below their intrinsic value and have a favorable long-term outlook. Our Portfolios are screened based on each client's criteria.